
The Andreas Teklos Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Center provides advanced physiotherapy services that combine manual therapy techniques with advanced physiotherapy/electrotherapy modalities. The center offers various services such as manual therapy, electrotherapy, sports massage, deep tissue treatment, diathermy, laser treatment, and extracorporeal shockwave treatment (ESWT) in their office. Their team of physiotherapists specializes in the neuromusculoskeletal field and is highly skilled in post-surgery rehabilitation, post-injury recovery, and sports therapy.

The team at the Andreas Teklos Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Center takes pride in seeing their patients succeed and is passionate about the benefits of physiotherapy. They make sure that their patients receive the best, up-to-date physiotherapy interventions available.

Company Information
Number of Employees 1-50
Andreas Teklos Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation Center
Address & Contacts
Street Address

Ipparchou 49A , Limassol 3027 , Cyprus

Andreas Teklos
info [ at ] cyprusphysio.eu
+357 97 777 277
+357 25 103 723